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The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) is the international governing body for both baseball and softball, two of the most popular sports in the world. With a mission to promote and develop these sports globally, the WBSC oversees various tournaments and championships, including the Olympics.
Headquartered in Switzerland, the WBSC has a membership of over 200 national federations, making it one of the biggest international sporting organizations in the world. The confederation was formed in 2013 through a merger of the International Baseball Federation (IBAF) and International Softball Federation (ISF), both of which were founded in the early 20th century.
One of the major events that the WBSC oversees is the Baseball World Cup, which has been held since 1938. It is a biennial tournament that attracts the top teams from around the world to compete against each other. The tournament has seen some of the biggest names in baseball history, including Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, and Jackie Robinson, among others.
Another significant event that the WBSC oversees is the Softball World Championship, which is held every four years. This tournament brings together the top women's softball teams from around the world to compete for the title of world champion. The tournament has been held since 1965 and has seen some of the greatest players in softball history, including Lisa Fernandez, Cat Osterman, and Jennie Finch, among others.
The federation also oversees various other tournaments, including the U-12 Baseball World Cup, the U-18 Baseball World Cup, and the U-12 Softball World Cup, among others. These tournaments are designed to promote the sport among younger generations and give them a chance to showcase their skills on a global stage.
The WBSC has been instrumental in promoting baseball and softball as Olympic sports. Both sports were dropped from the Olympics after the 2008 Beijing games, but were reinstated for the 2020 Tokyo games. The federation played a crucial role in advocating for their inclusion, and its efforts paid off when the International Olympic Committee voted to include the sports in the Tokyo games. The WBSC is now working on promoting the sports for the 2028 Los Angeles games as well.
To sum up, the World Baseball Softball Confederation is a crucial organization in promoting and developing these sports globally. With its various tournaments and championships, the WBSC provides a platform for aspiring players to showcase their skills on the world stage. Its efforts in promoting baseball and softball as Olympic sports have been successful, and the federation is continuing to work towards the growth of both sports.
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