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Hey there, fellow believers! Have you ever heard someone say that the Holy Spirit "convicts" Christians? Well, I'm here to tell you that it's actually a common misunderstanding.
According to the data, the idea that the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins is not entirely accurate. In fact, the Holy Spirit doesn't convict us at all!
Now, before you get confused and worried, let me explain what the data means. The word "convict" in this context actually means to "prove guilty" or "pass judgment." And since we have already been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we have been declared righteous and forgiven of all our sins. So, there's no need for the Holy Spirit to "convict" us anymore.
However, that doesn't mean that the Holy Spirit doesn't play an important role in our lives as believers. In fact, the Holy Spirit constantly works in us to guide us, comfort us, and help us grow in our faith. The Holy Spirit also helps us recognize and repent of any sin in our lives, which is known as "conviction of sin."
So, while the Holy Spirit doesn't "convict" us, He does convict us of sin. It may seem like a small difference in wording, but it actually makes a big difference in our understanding of the Holy Spirit's role in our lives.
As Asian believers, it's important for us to have a clear understanding of our faith and the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. So, the next time someone talks about the Holy Spirit "convicting" Christians, we can gently correct them and explain the truth.
Let us continue to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives and grow in our faith each day. May we always remember that we are saved by grace and that the Holy Spirit is constantly working in us to help us become more like Christ.
What is conviction by the holy spirit
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